Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Home Decorating and Staging Special for September

Dreaming of adding pizzazz to your existing home or decorating a new one and would like professional help to create a defined style with decorating, furnishing or space layout? 

Perhaps it’s time to sell the house? Where to start? Receive the expertise, guidance and staging tips you need to stage your house to stand out, sell quickly and for top dollar.

Whatever the reason you may have, now is the time to update the home before the holidays arrive! Schedule a design session or an occupied staging consult during the month of September* and receive five hours, for the price of four!  Contact Debbie today to reserve your customized hands-on session. 

Not in Santa Fe, NM? Interested in staging your home via Skype? Let's give it a try, offer can be split into two sessions for Skype staging only.

*Back-to-School Special - five hours at $375, plus tax, expires 9/30/2016. Offer does not apply to materials and supplies, rental inventory, vacant home staging, delivery, or additional labor. Visa/MC accepted.

DeMarais | home staging + design
Debbie DeMarais | HSR Certified Home Stager, ASID Allied Member

Friday, August 26, 2016

Establish Successful Back-to-School Study Habits

Have a student going back-to-school or you are an empty nester considering creating an office space in that empty room? Consider the position of a desk to encourage and promote healthy study/work habits. The awareness of desk placement and items on the desk can help to contribute to clearer thinking and information processing, knowledge, successful transactions, and wisdom according to Feng Shui principles.

Create a place for students to work and call their own rather than at the dining table or coffee table. This can reinforce responsibility and ownership, plus frees up the dining table for family dinners. A sturdy desk, good lighting and appropriate chair height contribute to the overall wellness, while studying late into the night. The best location for students is in their bedroom. If possible, place the desk facing northeast, (the direction of wisdom and knowledge) of the home and facing the door, for the command position, and see who is entering. Adding a map or globe in this area will help encourage study. Highlight the “atta-boy/girl awards,” trophies, or good grades in the achievement area on the south wall to recognize a job well done and encourage continued success. Avoid placing the bed with the feet, facing the door, as all the good energy you’ve created will flow out of the room.

When the desk is not in use, keep it clear and clutter-free to encourage good study/work habits. Approaching a cluttered desk restricts the creativity and ambition to study, as it requires extra time to clean before opening the books. Placement of where items go on the desk will contribute to good energy (Chi) as well. Place the computer in the front position of the chair to encourage studying; knowledge will be enhanced with books in the lower-left position, creativity will nourish with art supplies or other creative tools on the center right area of the desk. Placement of the lamp in the upper center of the desk will help to illuminate success. With these minor adjustments the study/work area can help propel your student into a successful school year.

Interested in learning more ways to encourage good study habits or design, contact me.

Debbie DeMarais
DeMarais home study + design

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Pops of Color in Staged Home

Creating balance with color, brings life and energy into what was a dark and monochromatic design. The home owner loved blue and in every hue. However, it was too much for a home buyer to try to envision creating it as theirs. Getting ready to sell the home the owners called upon me to stage it to appeal to home buyers. As in each home I stage it's important to look past the seller's design style and personality and create the stage that appeals to home buyers. Working with only their furniture and lot's of it, I pared down the number of pieces in each room, rearranged furnishings and added accessories and art to highlight the rooms. Providing the pop of color and design invites home buyers to spend time in exploring the possibilities of this home. The rooms feel like home so sit down, relax and dream of making this home yours.