Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Is Your Home Approachable?

In keeping with the de-clutter theme, I thought I’d share some thoughts on the approachability of the front of the home.

Clutter can show up in many forms, not just inside with our personal collections, daily mail, magazines, newspapers that pile up and shoes by the entrance. But what does the outside your front door say? This is the first contact point to the home, and one that often is neglected, is your home approachable?

At this time of year, as the piles of leaves gather along the walkway and porch, the potted summer plants that have wilted with the cold weather, toys, bikes, and lawn equipment have gathered, and cobwebs (plus leftovers from Halloween) keeps your front entrance from looking fabulous. It prevents showing how great your home may be, and detracts from having potential buyers coming in. 

Taking the time to clean the sidewalk and porch on a daily basis, plant cold weather tolerant plants with pops of color in round pots, replacing light bulbs that have burned out, and even painting the front door can create a strong impression. Buyers expect to see a well maintained home that is warm, inviting and shows you care. These small steps will help you to raise the market appeal, provide great first impressions and invites potential buyers to come inside, rather than doing a ‘drive-by’ because the home appeared unappealing and overwhelming. Make the front entry as attractive as possible and keep it maintained. Remember to keep it simple and don't overwhelm the space.

Now of course if you’re not selling your home, these principles apply as well. Taking these few steps to de-clutter the front entrance can create a warm and welcoming entrance. According to Feng Shui philosophy upkeep to the front entrance provides good energy flow, abundance, blessings, opportunities and good fortune to all who come through the front door. Now who doesn’t want these great attributes in their life? Remember this is the first impression of your home whether it’s you or your guests that use the front door or a potential buyer, make it count!

Don’t know where to start? Contact me, I’ll show you how to create a warm, inviting and welcomed home whether your home is on the market or not.

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